For the purpose of complying with the provisions on Information Society Services and E-Commerce, Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. provides the following information: This website www.unikdressbarcelona.com is operated by Unikdress Fashion Agency, Barcelona. Company name: Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. Company address: Calle Johann Sebastian Bach, 14,7o2aA 08021 Barcelona - Spain Email: info@unikdressbarcelona.com All and any reproduction, representation or modification of the page and its elements is strictly forbidden. Unauthorised reproduction or use of these brand Unikdress Barcelona, labels or domain names, notwithstanding the form or intention they adopt, is strictly prohibited. Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. has taken all reasonable measures to ensure that the information published on their website is accurate. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy, integrity and currency of this information. 


Access to the site www.unikdressbarcelona.com implies acceptance of these general and specific terms and conditions, which is why we recommend that before using the site, all users should read these terms and conditions, and the related terms and conditions as well as policies, the that govern the website www.unikdressbarcelona.com and that in case of doubt they should contact Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. on www.unikdressbarcelona.com We also inform users that the website www.unikdressbarcelona.com , is free, although registration or subscription may be required to access certain services. 


 The user hereby agrees, in accordance with these general conditions, to use the site according to the law, morality, public order and generally accepted decency, refraining from using the page for harmful purposes or in a manner that is damaging to the image of Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. in the market or that may damage the image of any of its brands, labels, intellectual property and/or associated companies, as well as people within the group to which it is attached. The user will also abstain from engaging in any type of act that may damage or hinder the normal functioning of the website, the services offered, IT equipment, files, and databases owned by Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. or their legal owners, contained or stored in the different sections that make up this website www.unikdressbarcelona.com. 


Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. accepts no responsibility under any circumstances for loss or damage of any nature suffered by the user due to the operation of the site or for electronic viruses of any type, to the extent determined by law. Likewise, Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. accepts no responsibility for any damage suffered by the user as a consequence of being redirected from the website www.unikdressbarcelona.com to any third party websites. The user shall be directly or indirectly liable for loss or damage of any nature resulting as a direct or indirect consequence of non-compliance with the general conditions established in this disclaimer and any specific clauses that may complement or develop these general conditions. Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior warning, the contents of the page and the configuration of the site, and may limit, suspend or prevent access totally or partly at its own discretion. Likewise, Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. accepts no liability for loss or damage to user’s PC hardware or software caused by access to the site, and does not guarantee that the site’s files and systems, etc., are virus free. Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. allows customers to register confidentially by enabling them to create their own user names and passwords, which are unique, personal and non-transferable. Registration might be or is necessary to access certain services included in the website. The user undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the username and password and Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. reserves the right to delete the user account, username and password at its discretion and in cases where circumstances arise that indicate illegal use. In this regard, the user is entirely responsible and all obligations deriving from use of the services offered on the website accessed using the aforementioned user account, username and password, and those deriving from the use by third parties using the user’s password. With regards to social network buttons and/or social network implementation on the website, Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. hereby informs that these buttons and/or implementations are linked to on-line services managed by third parties, which are also used by other users, therefore Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L.  is liable, solely and without exception, for its own contents. 


 What are cookies? A cookie is a small file placed onto your computer or another device that gathers information about your browsing activities. Cookies are needed to access certain contents and services and to make browsing easier and more convenient for users. Cookies do not damage your devices and activating them makes it possible to identify and resolve any possible errors. You need not to activate cookies to browse our website, but if you do not activate them, this may have a negative effect on your experience and certain aspects of the site may not work properly. Remember that you may block, restrict or delete cookies from our website at any time. We explain how at the end of this section. Session cookies gather data while the user is browsing. Different session cookies serve different purposes. Technical cookies: These enable users to browse the website and to use the different services and functions which are being offered; these can be for example: access to a registered profile, to request an appointment on-line, etc. Personalisation cookies: These give you access to services according to the characteristics of your user profile and to a series of specific criteria; these can include for example language details, the country where you are located, etc. Analytics cookies: Analytics cookies collect information which is used to track and analyse how visitors accessing the website behave. This is then used to optimize website content and to make it easier for all visitors to use. Meanwhile, temporary cookies store certain information for a limited time, to make the browsing experience simpler. Why do we use cookies on this website? The information stored in cookies from this website will be used solely for statistical purposes and to give you access to all the contents and functions we offer you. They also improve and optimise our website for all our users. Who uses the information collected by cookies? The information collected and saved during your session will be used by Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. You are also informed that the data collected during your session will be stored by Google using Google Analytics for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical data that will enable us to constantly improve the website. How can I disable cookies? If you wish to restrict, block or disable cookies from the website in your browser, you can do so by going to: Extras> Internet Options> Privacy (Internet Explorer) or Settings> Privacy (Firefox). However, you should remember you will not be able to use certain functions of the website if you disable cookies. To obtain more information about how to change your cookie settings, see the “Help” menu in your browser. 


Some of the functionalities of the website allow geolocation of the device (tablet, smartphone, etc.) on which it is installed. The user may disable this option directly on the device itself; however, disabling this option may prevent the use of some of the features related to the website. 


Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L.  is against spam and in compliance with the provisions of Information Society Services and E-Commerce, it will not send unwanted marketing messages to users who have provided Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. with their personal details and who have indicated they do not wish to receive them. 


Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. is strongly against possible links from third party websites to its own website (www.unikdressbarcelona.com) and IFrame. Individuals and legal entities who wish point a hyperlink from a webpage in another website to Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. website must abide by the following conditions regarding web links: – Request prior, express, motivated authorization in writing to: Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L., Kirstin Ehlers, Calle Johann Sebastian Bach, 14,7o2aA 08021 Barcelona - Spain – Request prior, express, motivated authorization in writing to: info@unikdressbarcelona.com, Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. will notify of its decision with regard to authorization of the hyperlink within two (2) calendar months. Under no circumstances will failure to receive an answer to a request be considered a tacit authorization to create the link. Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. also reserves the right to turn down the petition at its absolute discretion without needing to provide a reason for this. If Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. authorizes a link from third party webpages, this will always be to the main Home page (simple link) and never to any of the specific sections that makes up the webpage (deep link), always following the technical instructions that Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. provides for the purpose. The user undertakes to notify Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. of any changes to the content of its site, the latter reserves the right to revoke the permission granted at any time, without having to give a reason for its decision. It is expressly prohibited to include with the link, any false, inaccurate or incorrect statements that may mislead users regarding the contents of the site, or which are illegal, immoral or against generally accepted decency, which may damage the image in the virtual market of Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L., of its related labels, names, intellectual and industrial property, its partner companies, clients or any other third party that has a relationship with Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L.. 


 All content, images, videos, audio (podcasts), photographs, drawings and sketches, logos, labels and similar material website design and source code; are owned by Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. or its rightful owners. All the texts, photographs, graphics, videos, supports, web design, source code and similar are the property of Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. and/or its suppliers of contents; therefore, they cannot be the subject of subsequent modification, copy, alteration, reproduction, adaptation or translation by users or by third parties without prior, express authorisation by the owners of said contents. Any user wishing to use any of the aforementioned protected elements such as graphics, images, photographs, brands, labels, website design and/or source code, must request prior, express, written authorization from Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L.. Failure to reply shall never be interpreted as presumed or tacit authorization. The labels, names and/or logos that appear on the site are owned by Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. and are duly registered or in the process of registration. Their reproduction and undue use without the prior, express, written permission of Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. is strictly prohibited.


 For the purposes of Act on Personal Data Protection and its regulation, users of the website are hereby informed that the personal information they provide through on-line consultations, application forms or curriculum forms will be processed automatically and included in a database whose owner and manager is the company Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L.. In the case of on-line consultations and/or application forms, this information will be processed in order to manage the services offered, process requests and carry out administrative tasks, either directly by Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L., or through related companies which, although they do not belong to the same group as Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L.; engage in the manufacture, sale and distribution of wedding dresses and wedding accessories or garment manufacturing and marketing. The information contained in these forms may also be used to manage and maintain our relationships with users, send information by ordinary mail or e-mail, about our activities, products, offers and promotions, and/or for market research or statistical purposes. The answers provided by users to forms or questionnaires to enter into any type of relationship with the company are totally voluntary. However, if the user refuses to provide certain information, this may imply the rejection of the requested service. Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L. guarantees, however, the security of your data, which are considered of intermediate nature; adopting, for this purpose, the security levels required by the applicable law on these matters by use of the technical and organizational means necessary to prevent loss, misuse, unauthorized alternation and access to said data. The user may exercise the right to access, rectify, cancel and, in the event, oppose the personal data at any time by writing to Unikdress Fashion Agency S.L., Kirstin Ehlers, Calle Johann Sebastian Bach, 14,7o2aA 08021 Barcelona - Spain attaching a copy of the ID document or passport.


The general and/or specific conditions, as well as the annexes, if any; set out in this legal notice are governed by Spanish law and jurisdiction. Barcelona in Spain | January 2024